Of the major findings known in 2005 were recorded for the three countries emissions by more than 5.500 million kg pollutants generated by approximately 35,000 industries. Of the three countries, the United States contributed about 80%, 12% Canada and Mexico with 6%. However, it must be emphasized that the regulations vary by country which limited the amount of data available for each industrial sector, and the homogenization of the data.
Another interesting fact is the amount and type of pollutants being emitted across borders, with the metals for recycling, sulfuric acid, phosphorus, toluene and xylene different types. Substances known as carcinogens. In addition, this report lays the foundations for better management and control of pollutants, and described the major environmental trends and conditions in the coming years, the key challenges in terms of pollutants, as well as the main mechanisms for achieve the efficiency of international cooperation in these matters.
An especially important tool, and can be accessed by anyone is the availability of a map that lets you put about 35,000 industrial plants in North America. These plants correspond to those reported releases and transfers of pollutants in 2005. Through this map can be seen by google earth, anyone interested can find industrial plants located near your home, work or school for the type of pollution generated by each establishment, including the manner in which handled. This possibility had not for some few years represents a valuable tool that allows ordinary citizens to be informed about environmental quality in their community, information that can be used on their behalf for better regulation and control of pollution.
is why we invite you to take an interest in being informed about these issues around the environment, much of the improvement in quality of life we \u200b\u200bcan and we are entitled to access depends on how informed we authorities to require more attention to this looming problem.
All information relating to the report "Taking Stock 2005" of the CEC can be accessed via the following Internet links:
Link to the report "Taking Stock 2005" http://www.cec.org/takingstock/Default.aspx
Link to a map of location of industries in North America: http://www.cec.org/takingstock/MappingTool. aspx