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Influenza: Everything under control?
Posted: Javier Flores, La Jornada, 08/11/2009
The epidemic has been passed. Is lower. Is controlled. We thank all the people their participation to move beyond the health emergency. These and other phrases are those that constantly listen after the episode of panic caused by the influenza A/H1N1 in April. I'm not lying. This can be corroborated in own bulletins of the Ministry of Health (SSA) and the messages disseminated through radio, at least from May 5-the day he saved humanity, "to date.
One wonders, why all the time maintaining a triumphant speech, when the SSA's own data indicate otherwise? Why instead of dealing with a phenomenon whose behavior we know and deal rationally, it is treated again and again to minimize, putting at risk the health of all people? I do not understand. When he supposedly was and everything under control and would have to wait until winter, there was a rise in the disease we are back to reality. In the southeast of the Republic was an explosion in the number of cases caused by the new pandemic virus. The latest graphic shows an atypical Ssa, so far unique in the world. In the report of August 6, is already a bimodal curve. There are clearly two peaks, one in the spring, and another of comparable seriousness in the summer.
The second phase of the epidemic in Mexico can be compared with what happens in some South American nations now living the winter. According to reports from the Ministries of Health of Argentina and Chile, both dated August 5, have been confirmed by laboratory tests, 5000 710 cases of influenza A/H1N1 virus in Argentine territory and 3 000 725 in the Chilean. In Mexico, the SSA reports indicate confirmation of 5000 563 new cases between June 2 and Aug. 6. It is clear that the agent of the new pandemic occurs similarly in the Mexican summer and austral winter. It is curious that while in the southern hemisphere there is great concern about the behavior of the disease, in Mexico it seems that nothing happens, because everything is under control.