"indicates presence LCROSS Impact of Water on the Moon" (LCROSS Impact Indicates standing water on Moon)
Source: NASA, Posted 13-Nov-2009 Argument that the moon is a dry and desolate place has changed from that decubrió it contains water.
Preliminary data obtained from satellite observation of the crater to the lunar crater (known by its initials in English LCROSS) mission successfully indicate that the water found during impacts conducted on October 9, 2009 on the region that Cabeus is permanently shaded and near the south pole of the moon. The impact caused by LCROSS has created new pieces of information in our knowledge, said Michael Wargo, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. For some time, scientists had speculated on the huge amount of hydrogen had been observed at the lunar poles, so that the impact of LCROSS has added new evidence on the possibility of having water in greater quantities and more widely distributed than had previously been speculated.
regions which are under permanent lunar shadow represent key areas to understand more fully the history and evolution of the solar system to be more valuable than samples of polar ice caps on earth ....
"Multiple lines of evidence show that water vapor in the plume caused by the LCROSS impact. The concentration and distribution of water and other substances requires further analysis, but so far is positive Cabeus say that the region has water, "said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator on the NASA project. Further confirmation came
ultraviolet emission spectrum, which is attributed to the presence of hydroxyl radicals produced during the breakup of water molecules in the sun. When the molecules and atoms are excited to release energy at specific wavelengths that are detected by the spectrophotometer .... When electrified, each gas produces a different color. Thus, the ultraviolet spectrum detected by The spectrometer detected traces of hydroxyl just after impact, which is consistent with a cloud of water vapor in the sunlight.
ultraviolet emission spectrum, which is attributed to the presence of hydroxyl radicals produced during the breakup of water molecules in the sun. When the molecules and atoms are excited to release energy at specific wavelengths that are detected by the spectrophotometer .... When electrified, each gas produces a different color. Thus, the ultraviolet spectrum detected by The spectrometer detected traces of hydroxyl just after impact, which is consistent with a cloud of water vapor in the sunlight.
LCROSS The team is constantly working to fully understand all the data generated by the impact, as new evidence is expected to continue to be discovered.
English translation: Cienciacolectiva.blogspot.com; to refer to the original note click: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/ciencia_tecnologia/2009/11/091113_1756_luna_ao.shtml