Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dry Cervical Mucus In Early Pregnancy

precarious balance disorder

Today, Saturday, the day that, generally, do little or nothing, I look around me and I decide, knowing what that means, do a deep cleaning in my room. Deep cleaning should be done in other inhospitable corners of me, but there will be time for that. I stumble a thousand times with the same objects. Look at them and ignore them. I'm indifferent. Until today. Discard the old desktop and bought a useless little table where I fit the legs on the floor sticks where I am and hopefully, my knees do not touch the printer. However, when I cross my legs, the foot I have said in the trunk of cachureos, which holds the TV that I bought from Maximilian, about four years ago and has brought only misfortunes to my biorhythm and made me a fan of unpresentable emissions will not name, to avoid self-immolation. In my new desktop
there is more minimalist than those contained in the large space above. Two containers of pencils, packed. A laminated map of Paris and rainproof. Four blocks of colored paper to put on my calendar, I do not use a mouse, a paper that says "urgent" and other doodles, my lenses, nail polish, a pen drive without cover, two tassels of wool, a pencil scripto blue, a pair of earrings, courtesy of my cousin Ignacia, an empty CD box, a loose cd, 2 VHS, 1 box tapsin night / day, 1 packet of tissues, a plastic spiderman Throwing water and have not returned to its owner (called "the refrescancia"), a cell phone charger, and of course, my computer. In it appears a cable that charges my phone again and the battery cable that converge on the carpet, connected to the shoe also has cable plugged scaldasonno and VHS, which has recorded the latest sporting events of the month for reasons academic, and which are the texts I read in the semester, a magazine Paula, two agendas that do not use a notebook, a book and the book casaideas Perfume Jen lent me to read before seeing the film . The order does not favor me or is my forte. Although I am compulsive alia: records are sorted by band, publications by date, the books by author and size in that particular order, the boxes and colors, the letters - and I have boxes of them - by date, up to the newest, like all classifiable to get my hands on. When I wash the dishes, ordered by size, so remove them at once, dry and arrange them in the cabinet without having to take time and time again the other dishes, to get the order. The folders on my computer, what to say. Sorted from highest to lowest, is classified photos and place, the work of the university in the corresponding box according to industry, semester and year and disks bands, with their titles and years of release. Crazy. But the chaos that I see when I walk, I was disturbed to such a level, I decided to spend my afternoon.
When I saw the walls this morning, I realized something was wrong in my life. It took one glance to decipher. White wall, 7 postcards. One, a woman with a skirt of bananas, presented by Amir, as well Chilean postcard a couple of people kiss under an umbrella. A postcard of Dali and a flyer that I took in Central Hall, which has many colors and I liked it. Then, the three which together caused me shock. A card drawn from a card take to Buenos Aires - obsession I have done everything possible to take those shelves - it says "the woman who looks to love." Then, the invitation to the movie "downstream" and the flyer for a play I saw some time ago called "pain." Ie "downstream" of women that love looks "and" pain. " That and the mess made me realize it's a good time to clean and discard the excess, right?


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