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that the ozone hole over Antarctica will not close before 2065
Note: Dpa, 20/04/2009
The huge ozone hole over the Antarctic is growing since the turn of the century, but apparently not close before 2065, predicted on Monday the U.S. climatologist David J. Hofmann specialists at a conference in Vienna. The recovery of the ozone layer over the South Pole will not start "before 2030," he said. Regular measurements over Antarctica since the 80 state that "the South Pole ill patient is not sick again," Hofmann said the start of the annual meeting of the European Union of Geoscientists (EGU).
So far it is unclear whether the atmosphere over the South Pole ever return to its original condition, said climatologist at the Earth System Research Laboratory at the University Boulder, Colorado. Apparently, the developments in Antarctica have no direct impact on climate change. Thousands of scientists around the world came to Vienna for the largest global conference of geoscientists in Vienna.
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