Thursday, May 28, 2009

Women Showing Boobs Wearing Saree

The production of tequila in Mexico, polluting and socially unjust

The tequila, of course, is the most popular Mexican alcoholic beverage worldwide, and is very likely that almost all tourists who come to Mexico not go without test and even purchase your typical bottle of tequila. However, tequila production in Mexico is far closer to the image "idealized traditional manufacturing process by rural workers in the agave fields. The tequila industry in Mexico by large companies, generates wastes and sewage are treated and exploited. The production of tequilla, was the subject of doctoral research lpart worthy of recognition by the Mexican Academy of Sciences, as one of the best thesis in social sciences and humanities in 2009. The author, Jose de Jesus Hernandez, addressed from a social and ecological production process tequila in Mexico. Below you can read the note that was published about it and detail the main results of this thesis .

Source: Mexican Academy of Sciences AMC/063/09 Bulletin, May 27, 2009
For every liter of tequila produced in Mexico will generate 10 liters of untreated sewage

So says in his doctoral thesis José de Jesús Hernández López awarded by the Mexican Academy of Sciences as one of the best Social Sciences in 2008 . The author raises the disappearance of intermediaries for small producers to obtain greater economic benefit . Also proposed to establish two denominations of origin rather only one, which would revalue the productive forms
artisanal tequila

For every liter of tequila produced in Mexico are contaminated ten liters of water. In 2008, there were 300 million liters in the country, which represents a serious ecological problem, since there is no country in the tequila industry to treat wastewater generated, said José de Jesús Hernández López, a professor and researcher at The Colegio de Michoacán.

In his thesis "The agave landscape: expansion and beautification. Cultural ecology policy and new forms of value creation ", which won one of Awards of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) to the best doctoral thesis in Social Sciences and Humanities 2008, anthropologist suggests that manufacturers look at the wastewater treatment by-product that can be harnessed to generate electricity or biogas, as well the possibility of recovering much of the water that evaporates during the process.

Hernández López said in an interview that while tequila factories in the hands of transnational companies, raw material production is monopolized by a few regional brokers, known as "coyotes" who take advantage of that small producers are not registered to the Treasury, or the Tequila Regulatory Council, and benefit from the negotiations between the company and the producer.

"We need to disappear intermediaries to small farmers are those who have direct contact with industry and gain a greater economic benefit," said the anthropologist.

Another phenomenon detailed in his thesis, which was also awarded by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), is that with the intensification of the production of agave, the families of the area of \u200b\u200bArandas, Jalisco, traditionally performed the work, were displaced day laborers in the southeast.

View company generated field as a dislocation of traditional farmers who became independently wealthy and the land that previously had no value it had and the traditional ways of cultivating agave depreciated lamented the specialist.

Paradoxically, he added, despite the boom and the modernization of the tequila industry, workers are in a precarious situation because the companies are hired on a temporary basis for low wages do not create old and therefore not have benefits or social security.

response, Joseph Jesus Hernandez stressed the need not to one but, at least two denominations of origin, one for the area of \u200b\u200bthe Valley of Tequila and one for the Los Altos de Jalisco, which would assess and reassess the productive forms artisanal tequila, so that the locals have more presence and participation of the economic flow of product manufactured. Sell \u200b\u200b


In an area so little studied as cultural ecology of agave, José de Jesús Hernández López revealed that multinational companies not only sell tequila, but have created a symbol of Mexican identity.

"wrapped a cosmetic image, attractive and marketable to the view of people, set up scenarios where presented to jimador handsome, well dressed, cutting the leaves of the agave, but withheld the actual conditions in which they are producing agave, "he said.

This is a new way of creating value, he said, where what is for sale are illusions. The tourist travels agave plantations, notes the tequila production process and pay in exchange for proximity to the "national culture", which is making a business from scratch. This image is of a cosmetic industry attached the history and culture, but highly polluting.

José de Jesús Hernández López, 36 years old, has two degrees in Philosophy and Law, considered a master, doctorate and post-doctorates, three degrees in Social Anthropology. He said that receiving the award from the Mexican Academy of Sciences is a major commitment to further research and present the results of their work to public scrutiny. "I am interested to be some social improvement, not only do research by doing research, but have social benefits," he concluded.

Monday, May 25, 2009

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The investigation against the cure and prevention of cancer is one of the most important in human medicine, and although progress has been made in prevention, even today is one of the most common ailments due to the biological complexity of the disease.

Recently, new research indicates that a gene on the extra chromosome number 21, present in Down syndrome have a positive effect in preventing the growth of malignant tumors. This new trend, explains why people with Down syndrome less frequently suffer various types of cancer. No doubt these new findings will help find new treatments for cancer.

Down podrám read the full article:

Down Syndrome, "key cancer?, BBC News 21/05/2009 Note

Hospital researchers Boston Children in the United States, found that the additional gene or genes containing the duplication of chromosome 21 prevents the growth of cancerous tumors sólidos.El gene appears to interfere with the signals that the tumor should be to grow.

"This study gives us valuable information for the search for new therapies based on inhibiting the growth of cancerous tumors," he told the BBC Dr Sandra Ryeom, who led the study. "And it gives us a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe path are the cells involved in this process of growth." It's basically a new area that we can explore for development of new drugs, "says the researcher.

Humans normally have two copies of the 23 chromosomes that contain all our genetic information. A copy of each of our parents. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, ie three copies instead of two. It has been long known that some individuals with Down syndrome appear to have less risk of certain cancers than people who does not suffer from this disorder. But so far no known reason.

Boston scientists found in the study with mice that have an extra copy of one of the genes on chromosome 21-called Dscr1, is sufficient to reduce tumor growth. This gene appears to act in tandem with another gene, which is also located on chromosome 21 - to interfere with the signals that the tumor should be to stimulate the growth of their own blood vessels.

This growth of blood vessels is called angiogenesis. And if the vessels do not supply the tumor with its own blood supply, can not grow and prosper. "We were interested to study this gene Dscr1 because we knew who was involved in preventing vessel growth blood and nourish the tumor cells to make them large and lethal tumors, says Dr. Ryeom.

In theory, the researchers knew that if bloqueban blood vessels feeding the tumor was impossible growth of cancerous tumors. Therefore microscopic tumors and basically would be safe.

"Our hypothesis was that the third copy of chromosome 21 could prevent angiogenesis and this was the reason people with Down syndrome had a broad protection against cancer. " "are protected against all forms of solid tumors, including breast cancer, brain tumors, liver, pancreas and lung. " This sugiería that the reason they were protected had to be related to some aspect critical illness.

"And so we conclude that protection was in the growth of tumor blood vessels," says the scientist. After research with mice, scientists tried to confirm the results with human cells. To this Dr. Ryeom and his team created stem cells from skin cells of a patient with Down syndrome.

When scientists inserted these cells to induce tumors in mice, found that the extra copy of chromosome 21 were never able to form tumors altogether. "This part of the study helped us to confirm that the suppression of angiogenesis seen in the mouse model also applies in humans," says Sandra Ryeom. "And it reveals that these genes could be a powerful tool to a viable therapy for cancer." It is certainly very encouraging that people with Down syndrome give us a new focus on the mechanisms that regulate cancer growth, "says Dr. Ryeom." And with this we can identif ICAR bla potential NCOs prevention and treatment of tumors, "adds the scientist.

Monday, May 18, 2009

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New descubriemientos on the origin of terrestrial life

One of the fields of chemistry and biology that has captured the most attention in recent decades is the origin of life on Earth. Today there are various theories that explain the formation of the first biological compounds and as they then were held to give way to the first cell. Although the famous experiment of synthesis of biomolecules from Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in 1953 partially confirmed the theory of Oparin, today, still lacking sufficient information to explain how these molecules (RNA, DNA, proteins, sugars), the precursors to life gave way to the first body. In this context, British scientists have recently found new evidence on the possible formation of RNA on the primitive earth. Below you can read the note that talks in this regard:

Found in RNA new clues about the origin of life on Earth
AFP, Paris,

Science continues in its attempt to respond the mysteries of the origins of life on Earth. This time, a group of chemicals believed to have found new clues about the emergence of the first molecules as stores genetic information. Their findings are published in the British journal Nature .

In mammals, fish or bacteria, genetic information is stored in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). For its part, the RNA (ribonucleic acid) plays an active role in translating this information and allow synthesis of active molecules in the body .

However, sometimes one's own genetic information is stored in the form of RNA. This is the case of the virus. RNA being more robust than DNA, scientists have formulated the hypothesis that "RNA world" preceded the current, which dominates DNA life forms. Like its cousin DNA, RNA combines three types of molecules: a sugar, a phosphate and a base that conveys genetic information.

The most widespread among the scientific community states that these three types of molecules due to appear separately on Earth promigenia . But what the chemists have come to understand is how these molecules could associate together to form RNA.

Through chemical synthesis laboratory, John Sutherland, University of Manchester (UK) and colleagues have found a possible clue as to how RNA could occur without the help of enzymes Thanks to the UV and phosphate. The researchers used molecules present on early Earth and causing chemical reactions in models of geological environments such as those that existed in ancient times.

In the same journal, a second study highlights how the RNA, a traditional source of interest to explain the origin of life, is sought by scientists in the deep ocean . The team of Edward DeLong, MIT (USA), has described as different and "small" RNA directly from the plankton.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Mexican Genetic map

C ny human population is different from one another, customs, food, language variations, rules, simply the everyday way of living and interrelated. Besides these differences, local, regional, and more visible worldwide scientific studies in human genetics have revealed that there are variations not only in cultural terms, but at the genetic level between human populations. Genetic variations between human populations, explain why certain groups are more prone to certain diseases such as specific types of cancer among Asian populations. Recently, a study has revealed that the Mexicans we have our genetic traits that distinguish us from other groups slightly. The genetic map was developed for the Mexican population will be useful to explain and also prevent certain diseases for which we are likely as diabetes mellitus. However, we must remember that although there are variations between human genetic and in any other species, these differences are not large enough to distinguish between races or have hierarchies between different population groups, as we have always recommended on this site must be very critical information is presented and the performance we get from it.

Abajo encontrarán la nota que habla específicamente del mapa genético para los mexicanos.

Revela mapa genético diferencias entre los mexicanos y otros grupos humanos

Publicado: 11/05/2009 16:40

Washington. Un estudio reveló variaciones genéticas significativas de los mexicanos respecto de otros subgrupos humanos, que podrían generalizarse a los latinos en general y podrían ser utilizados para hallar vacunas específicas, informaron responsables sanitarios este lunes.
"La población mexicana está formada mayoritariamente por 65 grupos genéticos diferentes, lo que produjo una auténtica mezcla genética", explicó en rueda de prensa telefónica Gerardo Jiménez-Sánchez, director del Instituto de Medicina Genómica mexicano.

Esa mezcla es sustancialmente diferente de los otros tres subgrupos humanos identificados hasta ahora: los yoruba africanos, los caucásicos de descendencia europea y los japoneses y chinos asiáticos, según el estudio publicado este lunes en los Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias estadunidense. Desde 2004, el estudio ha analizado el mapa genético de 300 mexicanos mestizos (la mayoría de la población of that country) in six different states, and 30 indigenous Zapotec of Oaxaca.

These differences in the genetic map can be generalized to Latin Americans in general, argued Julio Frenk, former Mexican Secretary of Health and dean of the School of Public Health Harvard University. "This study makes clear that the American with mixed ancestry are sufficiently different from other people so that genetic mapping is scientifically and economically viable," he said.

Similar studies conducted in Asia found among other things a genetic predisposition of Asians to hepatitis B, the report said. But the Mexican study can not yet provide answers to the recent outbreak of human influenza A/H1N1 in the country, experts say. "Obviously, the epidemic is too recent to answer that question today, but the study will provide the tools" for an answer in the future, and eventually develop vaccines with a specific genetic composition, Frenk said. "All disease is a mixture of genetics and environment," he said.

Monday, May 4, 2009

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virus life?

is this occasion we decided to put a popular article of the journal You see? defining what are the virus and because of the difficulty of treating the diseases they cause. In cases like that has happened in Mexico with the influenza virus is important to know basic issues of what is a virus and what is your cycle, information that will probably answer many of the doubts that may arise.

The first part of the article can be found below, and finally found the link to the full article, hope you enjoy!

Between Life and Death
Miguel Rubio Godoy and Elva Escobar Briones, do you think?

In recent years, some viruses such as hantavirus, Ebola and Marburg have become players in the media, there have been numerous reports of television and print some serious some not so, and as players in best- sellers and apocalyptic Hollywood movie in which scientists do denon efforts to contain the advance of these invisible enemies. Stop viruses, as these versions, is a matter of life or death. How far this is true?

Link to article: