The paper stresses that in recent years has increased the participation of Hispanics in space travel or help in projects developed by NASA. Almost always a "Hispanic" does sobrasalir in academia, published out notes referring to his achievement and above all stressing their Hispanic origin, is the product of being born in a Latin American or descendant of parents or grandparents immigrated Latinos in most cases to the U.S.. What is stress? What Latinos can also use your brain? Which from time to time we have the same intellectual capacity as those originating from the first world? What outstanding Latino working on the "first world"? Of course, Latinos have the same intellectual abilities that any inhabitant of this planet, we can imagine, intuit, propose, develop, and create knowledge as any other, and all that is needed is a social environment that stimulates intellectual development all these skills, an environment that provides every opportunity for any citizen who is interested to engage the academy or art can do, not only has to do with access to quality education, but access to good nutrition from an early age, an ecologically healthy environment, an environment free of violence, repression, and fear. Do we have or rather we are creating the conditions to make thinking people in our Latin countries? or as usual, will we have to continue conforming with notes that highlight as "Hispanic" excel if given all these conditions in the first world?
Latinos as any inhabitant of this planet is named Homo sapiens can create knowledge and practice it whenever it is necessary to its power to do so, as we have now made these two astronauts related Hispanics: is there some day when we no longer news that a native of the "third world" has achievement in science and instead is made reference to his intellectual contribution beyond its origin?
Notimex. 26/07/2009
Astronauts John Olivas and Joseph Hernández part of NASA's next mission, which for the first two Hispanics will be together in space and both are of Mexican origin.
is expected to depart in late August near Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, as part of a crew of seven elements in the shuttle Discovery toward the International Space Station (ISS). José Hernández, 47, an electrical engineer, born in French Camp, California whose father is originally from La Piedad, Michoacán, and worked as a farmer in this country, said his trip expected to continue opening the way for other Hispanics.
is expected to depart in late August near Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, as part of a crew of seven elements in the shuttle Discovery toward the International Space Station (ISS). José Hernández, 47, an electrical engineer, born in French Camp, California whose father is originally from La Piedad, Michoacán, and worked as a farmer in this country, said his trip expected to continue opening the way for other Hispanics.
Speaking to NASA, Hernandez, who will travel as a mission specialist, acknowledged that others such as Franklin Chang-Diaz and Ellen Ochoa was the first man and woman, to open doors for Hispanics NASA. For his part John Danny Olivas, 43, grandson of immigrants who arrived from the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua in the early last century, is a veteran astronaut with 336 hours of space flight. For Olivas will be his second flight on the shuttle Discovery, it was part of the STS-117 mission in 2007.
Commander Rick Sturckow will be the leader of the mission with Kevin Ford as a pilot. The crew are also specialists assigned Patrick Forrester mission, Christer Fuglesang, and Nicole Stott. The primary mission will carry the Leonardo module will serve as a multi-service area and storage of the ERA and to conduct experiments. During the mission, Nicole Stott will remain on the ISS, replacing Timothy Kopra, who returns to Earth after their stay at the space complex. Number 30 will be the mission of a NASA shuttle dedicated to building and maintaining the ISS.
Other Hispanic Puerto Rican astronaut Joseph Acaba, traveled in March to the ISS as part of the STS-119 mission in charge of carrying the last panels solar complex. While Marine Colonel George Zamka, a Colombian, has been appointed to command the STS-130 space shuttle Endeavour, scheduled for 30 December.
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