Monday, October 5, 2009

Nordica Ski Boots Beast 10 27

The value of organic farming for biodiversity conservation

Organic agriculture is characterized by a productive practice techniques include sustainable and environmentally friendly. Practices associated with this system includes the planting of multiple crops (polyculture), and especially no use of chemicals for the prevention and control of pests. The scientific evidence accumulated in recent decades has shown that organic farming has positive effects on the conservation of biodiversity, as these areas remains in greater abundance and number of species of fauna and flora.

In contrast to conventional production systems that use chemicals (herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides), are characterized by a depletion of soil fertility, and negative impacts on the biodiversity of species belonging to this microhabitat, and a reduction of natural enemies (mainly arthropods) naturally act as biological pest control.
A pesar de que se ha documentado ampliamente los beneficios de los cultivos orgánicos sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad y la salud humana, a nivel mundial la mayor parte de los alimentos son producidos bajo sistemas convencionales, por ser sistemas que involucran menor costo y mayor producción por hectarea a corto plazo (nada anormal ya que la jerarquía de valores del sistema capitalista prioritariza la ganancia económica inmediata de los sistemas de producción sobre otros valores que involucrarían la autosustentabilidad de la producción a largo plazo). El interés de movimientos locales y regionales por la promoción y adquisición de insumos producto de la agricultura orgánica se ha incrementando en los últimos años, an impact on increasing scientific and technological research devoted to this field, as well as government and private financial support to encourage the practice but at local rather than regional.
deteriorio face problems and loss of ecosystems, species and traditional knowledge, organic agriculture represents an alternative to traditional land management can adopartse a larger scale, and that also represents a form production to protect local knowledge and promote food sovereignty.

There are many successful cases have been documented as well as documents that address this issue more deeply, for those interested in the topic, below we present a small sample of some links related to this information :

* Outlook organic agriculture in Latin America:
* Agricultural Techniques in the Bolivian Amazon:

* Organic agriculture: principles and strategies

* Organic Farming in Mexico:

* Organic farming in Mexico and the World
http:/ /


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