Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prizerebel Jak Zdobywac Punkty

Nobel Medicine 2009 for 3 American biologists

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded in this edition three biologists for their research in the field of biomedicine: Elizabeth Blackburn (University of California), Carol Greider (Johns Hopkins Hospital) and Jack Szostak (Harvard University).
His research in the field of biomedicine related to cell aging and its link to cancer have been laying the groundwork for subsequent research on multiple disease mechanisms and potential treatments. In particular, Elizabeth Blackburn found that the ends of chromosomes are DNA sequences now features called "telomeres." Subsequently, these sequences linked Szoztack Jack telomeric cell with a protective effect, revealing that in each cell division process these sequences are shortened resulting in an effect of "cellular aging." For its part, Carol Greider, found that the enzyme telomerase extends the ends of chromosomes (ie synthesizes telomeres), with an effect relacionándosele "rejuvenating".

With these basic skills has been possible to link the role of telomeres in cell division and its impact on processes that trigger abnormal cell division, ie cancer.

Below you will find some links related to this story: BBC

* World:

* Nobel Prize official site:
http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine / laureates/2009 /


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