Magnificent novel I read, between 30-07 and 01-08, 2009, in an edition of El País with 221 pages published in 2003. I note the following: p. 69 .- There are men for whom life is an extraordinary facility. They are something like a ball rolling down an inclined plane without mishap, without difficulty. Is it talent, it is instinct or luck? The people themselves claim to be institnto or talent, his enemies say chance or luck, and this more likely than the other, because men are excellently prepared for life, intelligent, energetic, strong and yet do nothing but stop and stumble around.
p. 140 .- This guy miserable and left, was fanatical, violent and cowardly, is recreated telling their misdeeds, cruelty manifested enough to hide his cowardice, rudeness to give it honestly, and meanness to give the character skill . His double bestiality being Catholic and being a Carlist.
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