Friday, April 22, 2011

Does Anyone Know A Good Source For Pokemon Roms

Ninotets Pol Roca 8a + / 8b and Jose Enrique Agustí in 8a +

As explained in the post earlier this week were in Montgrony with Pol Rock , which train with David Gambús and is sponsored by our room boulder, we recorded the rise of Ninotets 8a + / 8b , a path that has led to a jump in the difficulty that this teenager had gotten so far and in only four attempts.

On the other hand, the first occurrence of a clean block in a few years ago Cova of Elbow l where I left a lot of blocks on the ceiling and great crash, called vimutti 8a + , that only Grate Armando had succeeded in doing (the first ascent), this time in fireproof Jose Enrique Agust í, has signed the second ascent. Glad to see how are you little by little lines are repeated, and the problems do not fall into oblivion.


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