Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spacewalker Mv42v Motherboard Specs

New evidence confirms the presence of water at the lunar poles

C Ambiado a little issue, now we present some excerpts from an astronomical news announced last Friday by NASA in stating that it has found new evidence of the occurrence of water on the moon. These findings are important for better understanding of solar system formation processes and ultimately the possibility of what life is a non-exclusive event on earth.

"indicates presence LCROSS Impact of Water on the Moon" (LCROSS Impact Indicates standing water on Moon)
Source: NASA, Posted 13-Nov-2009

Argument that the moon is a dry and desolate place has changed from that decubrió it contains water.

Preliminary data obtained from satellite observation of the crater to the lunar crater (known by its initials in English LCROSS) mission successfully indicate that the water found during impacts conducted on October 9, 2009 on the region that Cabeus is permanently shaded and near the south pole of the moon. The impact caused by LCROSS has created new pieces of information in our knowledge, said Michael Wargo, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. For some time, scientists had speculated on the huge amount of hydrogen had been observed at the lunar poles, so that the impact of LCROSS has added new evidence on the possibility of having water in greater quantities and more widely distributed than had previously been speculated.

regions which are under permanent lunar shadow represent key areas to understand more fully the history and evolution of the solar system to be more valuable than samples of polar ice caps on earth ....

"Multiple lines of evidence show that water vapor in the plume caused by the LCROSS impact. The concentration and distribution of water and other substances requires further analysis, but so far is positive Cabeus say that the region has water, "said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator on the NASA project. Further confirmation came
ultraviolet emission spectrum, which is attributed to the presence of hydroxyl radicals produced during the breakup of water molecules in the sun. When the molecules and atoms are excited to release energy at specific wavelengths that are detected by the spectrophotometer .... When electrified, each gas produces a different color. Thus, the ultraviolet spectrum detected by The spectrometer detected traces of hydroxyl just after impact, which is consistent with a cloud of water vapor in the sunlight.

LCROSS The team is constantly working to fully understand all the data generated by the impact, as new evidence is expected to continue to be discovered.

English translation: Cienciacolectiva.blogspot.com; to refer to the original note click: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/ciencia_tecnologia/2009/11/091113_1756_luna_ao.shtml

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Long Should I Wear A Girdle After Pregnancy?

Maize Varieties and Cultural Identity: At Risk For

S ollowing the controversial GM maize crop, now have left some notes in the newspaper La Jornada that like to share in this space. As we mentioned under the cultivation of maize in Mexico goes back thousands of years of history, long before the English arrived. It is for this simple reason we have the greatest diversity of varieties of corn, each linked to different forms of management and developed under different purposes. If the Federal Government and the SAGARPA be able to understand the context in which it has developed the cultivation of maize in Mexico, fully understand the risks that brings the introduction of transgenic maize not only on the erosion of diversity mails but about the erosion of cultural identity that implies.

Given this dangerous ignorance, we have to inform citizens in other ways, reflect continually to find ways of organizing and political action against these myopic.

Below you will find fragments of the note and the link to read it in full:

"threaten diversity experimental plots of corn, says researcher"
Posted by Matilde Pérez U ,3-11 La Jornada -09, p. 35

Without the participation of farmers in conservation and research on corn and with the approval of experimental field trials of transgenic varieties are at risk of losing the diversity of the plant, said Antonio Serratos Hernandez, a researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico City.

The existence of 300 races of maize is the result of indigenous resistance for over 500 years and the farmers who continue as guardians of grain, for whom distance is no impediment to the exchange of seeds, which ensures to maintain their diversity , added ... The study

The origin and diversity of maize in the Americas, Serratos notes that there are two strategies for the conservation of the grain: the collection and preservation of samples in genebanks and in situ conservation, which involves promoting and supporting the reproduction of social and environmental conditions of the farmer to preserve the seed ...

"The trail sees U.S. agro-technology and genetic resources ex situ conservation as a capital reserve of germplasm banks and industrial applications such as risk insurance for the future. The preservation of the corn is done through the sale of genetic resources of the farmers produced over centuries of community work. "That kind of preservation is of high value, but to develop the full potential and protect the diversity of culture is it necessary for farmers ...

In the study, Serratos points out that the best way to preserve the breeds of corn is to preserve the peasant mode of production. "You can not circumvent that protection of biodiversity (grain) requires the strengthening of rural society. It is necessary that (the producer) has improved living conditions to prevent abandon agriculture. "

in situ conservation, he says, requires government support and impetus to initiate programs that empower social action and community organization . The destruction of the social fabric in rural communities increases risk of extinction of corn, whose social and cultural significance should be reassessed. Their protection, he notes, is a task that should involve all the people of America

Full story:
http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2009/11/03/index.php?section = society & article = 035n2soc

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Financial Management I.m Pandey

Transgenic Crop Reflections on Growing GM

Yesterday FOs Chihuhua state expressed their dissatisfaction with the project to plant transgenic corn around their fields. Basically the concern is the risk of gene contamination with GM varieties landraces, which that involve genetic erosion of native varieties and thereby the economic dependence on the acquisition of commercial varieties. Despite the controversy, and the risks that have been documented that there are derived from GM crops, the government through SAGARPA insists on the introduction of seed of these varieties.
Undoubtedly social conflicts, economic and environmental, that these policies will bring will suffer and observe in the short and medium term. Under the same theme, was published today in the Day, reflects a note that based on experience with GM crops in Argentina about the risks and implications that should not be ignored, but as usual have not echoed in the decision-makers.
Below you will read this note:

Note day: 21-Oct-2009 by Alejandro Nadal
Mexican Corn and Johnsongrass: bitter lesson

A specter is haunting the fields of the Chaco, in northern Argentina. After months of investigation and heated disputes, has been confirmed the existence of a biotype of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) resistant to the herbicide glyphosate in the province of Salta. It is the first case of a variety of Johnsongrass resistant to glyphosate herbicide since this came into use in the world three decades ago. The spread of this weed harvesters through circulating everywhere after each growing season is not a good omen.

The presence of Johnsongrass resistant to glyphosate (SARS) has been recognized by the lead agency to monitor weeds worldwide ( http://www.weedscience.org/ ). This finding is a nightmare come true for producers of GM soya. It is also a lesson for SAGARPA, just illegally authorized the first experimental plantings of transgenic maize in Mexico. It is the first step on the road to allow the commercial planting and strengthen Mexican environmental release of genetically modified corn, with serious risks for corn germplasm in our country, a center of origin of this crop of global importance. We

piecemeal. The Johnson grass, also known as Johnson grass, is one of 10 major weeds affecting agriculture in temperate climates. It is a perennial weed, endowed with great capacity for survival and to control mechanically. The irony is that many countries, including Argentina, was introduced as a forage, precisely because of its adaptability and high productivity. In a few years was becoming a pest whose battle with chemicals has had high costs for farmers and biodiversity.
To combat this "perfect weed" has been using glyphosate herbicide that kills broad spectrum of higher plants the ability to synthesize three essential amino acids. Is non-selective herbicide sold in the world and its expansion accelerated with GM crops as Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybeans, genetically modified to increase their resistance to glyphosate.

Currently, genetically modified soybeans is planted on 18 million hectares in Argentina. This culture has transformed the rural landscape of the pampas, upsetting the social relationships that allow small-scale agriculture and opening the door to large-scale agribusiness. Soybean exports are the mainstay of fiscal policy: 18 percent of total tax revenue from sales tax outside soy. But the collapse of this bubble of soy is a matter of time. The emergence of SARS is only a warning.

The transgenic soybeans using a direct seeding technology package (or minimum tillage), which is left to stubble ground cover to protect rain and wind. This reduces the risk of erosion, but must be accompanied by an increase in herbicide use. This culture has been associated with spectacular growth in usage of these materials: in just 10 years of glyphosate consumption rose from 15 to 200 million liters. The result at the end of the road was to be expected, sooner or later had to appear resistant species strategies designed and implemented by the commercial agriculture. With the spread of the technology package of genetically modified soybeans that resistance appear more quickly, because the process of co-evolution (which basically is what governs this phenomenon) would be accelerating.

Is what will happen to GM maize seed which is authorizing the SAGARPA. The emergence of insects resistant to the toxin produced by transgenic Bt crops is a matter of time. Still not detect large outbreaks of resistant populations to Bt toxin, but partly that's because the strategy is to let non-transgenic plants shelters in the plots. In United States practice has been accompanied by the complementary use of insecticides. But the warning of ecologists and agronomists remains: these strategies will only delay the process of emergence of insects resistant to Bt, do not stop. The planting of transgenic maize in Mexico will increase the probability of emerging populations of insects resistant to Bt in less time. That is not the only problem, but the example of SARS is a sign that we should not ignore.

The technological trajectory of GM crops is a dead end. Of course, for companies and their accomplices in government, this is a good tool to own the field and transform it into the space of profitability. For the SAGARPA and the government, nothing should stand between the companies and the profitability, even weak biosafety legislation that was designed to serve the interests of those same companies.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is The Kink Curb 2010 A Good Bike

Solar Energy in Mexico: Is the alternative to oil shortages?

As we know most of the Mexicans, Mexico is highly dependent on the production and economic gains provenienen oil. Oil has been and is the main source of energy not only in Mexico but worldwide, however due to the negativity that generates environmental impacts of energy production using fossil fuels in recent years has increased interest and development into alternative energy technologies GENERATOR. Technological mechanisms to generate such energies renewable calls in many cases have existed for several years, long before they start the international controversy over climate change. At present, the scientific and technological development in this field, focuses on optimizing the processes so they are suitable to be applied to large-scale, cost-benefit less than those derived from the exploitation of fossil fuels. Thus, competition for energy market on the international and local level is booming, with an increasing number of companies with claims and potential to dominate global power generation and distribution.

do not need visionary skills, to recognize that power generation is and will be the engine of our society, without energy, we simply could not conceive or "enjoy" the modern life we \u200b\u200bhave developed. For this simple reason, many governments in many countries are developing strategic plans in order to find the best ways to generate energy alternatives so that no economy and hence social stability is not at the mercy of what other countries they can offer under their particualr conditions. As is becoming custom, Mexico, seems to be left behind, waiting for what the foreign market and issue it has to offer. Although the speech was talk that they are supporting alternative energy generation, the reality is different, when face the facts with words.

Recently, the city of Guanajuato hosted the Global Renewable Energy Forum where Pelosse Helene, director of the International Energy Agency (IRENA), pointed out that Mexico has the potential to generate solar energy derived from its location in the balloon and its geology. As development on such technologies aprticular could become the engine that drives our economy. Should be added that not only the country has potential for solar energy genererar but also wind, geothermal, and water. Mexico is a country with a variety of climatic and topographic conditions that would allow the flexibility of options. Not only that, we also have intellectual resources and research institutes (eg Energy Research Center, ICN, UNAM) that have generated the knowledge and technology base to make this possible.
So why would seem that this is not a matter of national importance or that we are incompetent to develop our own technology?; If the power supply is controlled and operated by the state , Would not it make more sense, that PEMEX will earmark part of their gains and were the main driver exploación towards alternative energy? Moreover, should not be synergy between PEMEX and CFE (and the former LFC) to develop and implement a large scale these technologies? Instead, we already have a flock of greedy businessmen, among them Carlos Slim, said board assistant interested in develop and dominate the domestic supply.

When the government is the true representation of the interests of society, then I observe results, the bad, that sounds more than a dream, illusion, utopia with touches of anger and apathy. The only truth and certainty so far, is that Mexico, have the potential to produce alternative energy and also renewable, because one is not synonymous with the other. The uncertainty is, when will see what happens, and even more who will be to monitor its implementation?

For those who want to read the note that was published in the conference today, follow this link:
http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2009/10/19/index.php? society & section = article = 045n1soc

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prizerebel Jak Zdobywac Punkty

Nobel Medicine 2009 for 3 American biologists

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded in this edition three biologists for their research in the field of biomedicine: Elizabeth Blackburn (University of California), Carol Greider (Johns Hopkins Hospital) and Jack Szostak (Harvard University).
His research in the field of biomedicine related to cell aging and its link to cancer have been laying the groundwork for subsequent research on multiple disease mechanisms and potential treatments. In particular, Elizabeth Blackburn found that the ends of chromosomes are DNA sequences now features called "telomeres." Subsequently, these sequences linked Szoztack Jack telomeric cell with a protective effect, revealing that in each cell division process these sequences are shortened resulting in an effect of "cellular aging." For its part, Carol Greider, found that the enzyme telomerase extends the ends of chromosomes (ie synthesizes telomeres), with an effect relacionándosele "rejuvenating".

With these basic skills has been possible to link the role of telomeres in cell division and its impact on processes that trigger abnormal cell division, ie cancer.

Below you will find some links related to this story: BBC

* World:

* Nobel Prize official site:
http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine / laureates/2009 /

Monday, October 5, 2009

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The value of organic farming for biodiversity conservation

Organic agriculture is characterized by a productive practice techniques include sustainable and environmentally friendly. Practices associated with this system includes the planting of multiple crops (polyculture), and especially no use of chemicals for the prevention and control of pests. The scientific evidence accumulated in recent decades has shown that organic farming has positive effects on the conservation of biodiversity, as these areas remains in greater abundance and number of species of fauna and flora.

In contrast to conventional production systems that use chemicals (herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides), are characterized by a depletion of soil fertility, and negative impacts on the biodiversity of species belonging to this microhabitat, and a reduction of natural enemies (mainly arthropods) naturally act as biological pest control.
A pesar de que se ha documentado ampliamente los beneficios de los cultivos orgánicos sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad y la salud humana, a nivel mundial la mayor parte de los alimentos son producidos bajo sistemas convencionales, por ser sistemas que involucran menor costo y mayor producción por hectarea a corto plazo (nada anormal ya que la jerarquía de valores del sistema capitalista prioritariza la ganancia económica inmediata de los sistemas de producción sobre otros valores que involucrarían la autosustentabilidad de la producción a largo plazo). El interés de movimientos locales y regionales por la promoción y adquisición de insumos producto de la agricultura orgánica se ha incrementando en los últimos años, an impact on increasing scientific and technological research devoted to this field, as well as government and private financial support to encourage the practice but at local rather than regional.
deteriorio face problems and loss of ecosystems, species and traditional knowledge, organic agriculture represents an alternative to traditional land management can adopartse a larger scale, and that also represents a form production to protect local knowledge and promote food sovereignty.

There are many successful cases have been documented as well as documents that address this issue more deeply, for those interested in the topic, below we present a small sample of some links related to this information :

* Outlook organic agriculture in Latin America: http://web.catie.ac.cr/informacion/rmip/rev64/agri_organica.pdf
* Agricultural Techniques in the Bolivian Amazon:

http://www. comoves.unam.mx/raf_131_05.html
* Organic agriculture: principles and strategies

20objetivos.pdf http://www.cedeco.or.cr/documentos/Principios%
* Organic Farming in Mexico:


* Organic farming in Mexico and the World
http:/ / www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/Biodiversitas/Articulos/biodiv55art3.pdf

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

25th Birthday Quotes For Friends

Toxic Effects of Technology-Based Nanoparticles

Today published in the conference came a note that addresses the possible toxic effects of technology produced from nanoparticles. This line of research should be focus of increased attention to possible risks to health and the environment that the technology produces short, medium and long term. As previously mentioned in other notes, there are currently a large number of products whose negative effects have not been fully explored or have been consciously ignored by the economic gains generated by technology. Should be questioning the growing "need" of modern society by the production of materials that "enable" or "improve" our quality of life and routine. What we can certainly say for certain is the steady accumulation of waste generated annually whose negative environmental effects are magnified in similar proportions.

Full story: Experts warn

expert on toxicity of products made nanoparticles
Note: La Jornada, Alfredo Valadez Rodríguez, 30.09.2009

Nanotechnology is opening new and complex ethical and social challenges, when found at the frontiers of atomic and molecular manipulation of matter "virtually no no difference between the biotic and abiotic material. " This basic fact puts scientists on the threshold of what will be the true creation of artificial living beings having said researcher William Foladori, founder and president of the Latin American Nanotechnology and Society.

The Uruguayan-born specialist, doctor in economics from the University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), a member of the International Nanotechnology and Society, gave a lecture at the Zacatecas Autonomous University, where he spoke about the findings and problems that humanity is facing nanotechnology. Foladori warned that labs in Europe and Asia has begun to see that the nanoparticles, developed for use in many industrial and commercial processes, have high toxicity.
confirmed that there are many products on the world market for cosmetics companies like L'Oreal, and mobile devices such as Phone, made from nanotechnology, without warning consumers about the risks they face.

The same applies to Samsung, DuPont and Bayer, who produce and market "innovative" products, dangerous to health and the environment, said the expert, who has taught at universities in Honduras, Uruguay and Brazil, and researcher Columbia University.
Moreover, Foladori said, we are on the verge of a new "industrial and social revolution," because the application of nanotechnology will have "an enormous impact on the social division of labor." Even, he warned, "many branches of the world economy as we know them today will be reduced or disappear."

Nanotechnology has laid the foundations for a new biotechnology platform on which will be developed countless techniques and production methods. "We are witnessing the creation of artificial life has already been done and has been patented to meet specific actions, such as the production of bacteria for certain functions in the cleaning industry."

can also think of development of an internal combustion engine that does not require oil and whose life would be three or four times longer than the common one. Or in the development of a fabric, the garment industry, in addition to expelling the smell of perfume not crease and does not require washing, it cleans itself. However, increased unemployment, poverty and marginalization, he said.

For example, he said, there are products such as wool, cotton and linen are being replaced by industrial and commercial in the coming years of fibers that exceed in quality, durability and cost. As a result, avoid producing million head of sheep, and thousands of millions of hectares of agriculture will be devoted to cotton in the world, but the impact will be enormous economic, social and political. Moreover, the toxicological aspect is known and unknown, "Many of the big pharmaceutical hide."

Foladori said: "According to the experiments, we know that carbon nanotubes cause cancer in the stomach" and that silver nanoparticles have significantly increased allergic responses. He cited that there is a toothbrush from Oral-B in Brazil to warn about the use of nanotechnology, but in Mexico is sold without informing him. Foladori said "all major brands of cosmetics using nanoparticles that could be absorbed through the skin and cause toxic and allergic reactions still unknown."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Relationship between Intelligence and Curiosity

Note published: News @ the University of Toronto, Melissa McDermott, 08/09/1914. "Researches discover the first-ever link entre intelligence and curiosity"

pimer Researchers discover link between intelligence and curiosity: The results may lead to development of drugs that enhance learning.

In an article published Sept. 10 in the respected journal Neuron, Professor John Roder, University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics and Fellow in the Lunenfield and Bechara Saab doctoral student at the same institute investigated the interaction of two proteins in the region of the brain called the dentate gyrus (one of the three parts of the hippocampus, which plays an important role in long-term memory and spatial coordination).

"Dr Roder and Bechara Saab have made important discoveries in a brain region that has been poorly studied in the past," said Dr. Jim Woodgett, Director at the Lunenfeld. "The relationship molecular discovery holds promise for the future of cognitive therapy."

Particularly in the study, the neuronal calcium receptor-1 (NCS-1), a protein known to affect memory in worms and is associated with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in people, increased its activity one and a half times in the dentate gyrus in mice. This slight overexpression increased the ability of brain cells to change the way we communicate, and in mice caused an increase in upper memory to perform complex tasks and a significant increase in exploratory behavior, ie the curiosity.

Since exploratory behavior is modified only in a "safe", the investigadorescreen they have discovered a brain region that creates curiosity, and a model that explains how brain activity leads to curiosity. They also discovered that curiosity and spatial memory are altered when given a benign drug that blocks the binding protein NCS-1 dela with dopamine receptor type 2 (primary target of antipsychotics) in the dentate gyrus. "We now know that some of the molecules and brain regions that regulate learning and memory also control curiosity, we can now develop drugs laboratory that improve cognition in humans - which means a potential benefit for the future" said Saab. "However, we can immediately put into practice the knowledge generated indicating that the building encourages curiosity, intelligence, and vice versa."

The study was developed in collaboration with other scientists Toronto and Switzerland. It is also funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

cienciacolectiva.blogspot.com translation and adaptation by
original Note: http://www.news.utoronto.ca/lead-stories/researchers-discover-the-firstever-link-between-intelligence-and -curiosity.html

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

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Influenza in Mexico

Today was published in the conference a press criticism on the state's influence in Mexico. In the past month, there have been about 5,000 new cases of influenza, which appear point to a new outbreak of the epidemic that could end up being similar to what happened a few months ago. Despite the risk, the federal government and the health secretary are acting irresponsibly by noting that there is no risk and that everything is "completely under control." As usual, the federal government shows their inability and inefficiency to deal with complex situations of public health is clear incompetence before it is recommended to inform ourselves through alternative means of communicating what is happening nationally and internationally on the behavior of the virus, and we continue to implement measures of prevention in our homes and workplaces.

Below you will read the full article:

Influenza: Everything under control?
Posted: Javier Flores, La Jornada, 08/11/2009

The epidemic has been passed. Is lower. Is controlled. We thank all the people their participation to move beyond the health emergency. These and other phrases are those that constantly listen after the episode of panic caused by the influenza A/H1N1 in April. I'm not lying. This can be corroborated in own bulletins of the Ministry of Health (SSA) and the messages disseminated through radio, at least from May 5-the day he saved humanity, "to date.

One wonders, why all the time maintaining a triumphant speech, when the SSA's own data indicate otherwise? Why instead of dealing with a phenomenon whose behavior we know and deal rationally, it is treated again and again to minimize, putting at risk the health of all people? I do not understand. When he supposedly was and everything under control and would have to wait until winter, there was a rise in the disease we are back to reality. In the southeast of the Republic was an explosion in the number of cases caused by the new pandemic virus. The latest graphic shows an atypical Ssa, so far unique in the world. In the report of August 6, is already a bimodal curve. There are clearly two peaks, one in the spring, and another of comparable seriousness in the summer.

The second phase of the epidemic in Mexico can be compared with what happens in some South American nations now living the winter. According to reports from the Ministries of Health of Argentina and Chile, both dated August 5, have been confirmed by laboratory tests, 5000 710 cases of influenza A/H1N1 virus in Argentine territory and 3 000 725 in the Chilean. In Mexico, the SSA reports indicate confirmation of 5000 563 new cases between June 2 and Aug. 6. It is clear that the agent of the new pandemic occurs similarly in the Mexican summer and austral winter. It is curious that while in the southern hemisphere there is great concern about the behavior of the disease, in Mexico it seems that nothing happens, because everything is under control.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bulls Pizzle Insult Mean

H1/N1 Insect repellent cause neurotoxic effects

The list of commercial synthetic products that have been shown to have negative effects on health continues to increase as the research Discovering scientific toxic effects in laboratory. Now joins the long list, insect repellent, highly marketable product and that any of us have used some time in our lives. Recent research suggests that the active substance "deet" has neurotoxic effects, though not in the degree of neurotoxicity and the time it takes or is required to display this damage.

As always, the recommendation in this modern life full of synthetic products everywhere, many of which are exposed without realizing it, is that at least avoid using those products if we can choose whether or not we use that is that we must strive to become more responsible consumers worry about the kind and quality of products we consume daily.

Below you will read the note about it:

The active ingredient in repellents can cause neurotoxic effects

PL Posted: 05/08/2009 14 : 03

Washington. An active ingredient used in insect repellents may cause harmful health effects, scientists suggest in the journal BioMed Central Biology, in its latest issue. Experts of the Research Institute for Development and University Monpellier Angiers, France, said the deet-most common active ingredient in chemicals to ward off mosquitoes, can cause neurotoxic effects.

The experimental results cast doubt on the safety of the active principle to public health, since it was found that blocks the action of an enzyme important in the central nervous system, the toxic effect of chemical acetilcolinesterasa.El may increase when used with other insecticides such as organophosphate and carbamate, the authors of the study Corbel and Bruno Vincent Lapi. "These findings question the safety of deet, particularly in combination with other chemicals, and stress the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the development of safer insect repellents for use in public health," said Corbel.

Monday, July 27, 2009

House Names For Keral House

"Mexican in space? Astronomy in Mexico

The previous topic discussed in this space was based on emphasizing the importance of astronomical research that Mexico has had in recent decades, this in line with the international year of astronomy takes in this year. Yesterday was published in the Journal Notimex, a note which mentions the presence of two crews of Mexican origin in the next NASA space flight to take place in late August.

The paper stresses that in recent years has increased the participation of Hispanics in space travel or help in projects developed by NASA. Almost always a "Hispanic" does sobrasalir in academia, published out notes referring to his achievement and above all stressing their Hispanic origin, is the product of being born in a Latin American or descendant of parents or grandparents immigrated Latinos in most cases to the U.S.. What is stress? What Latinos can also use your brain? Which from time to time we have the same intellectual capacity as those originating from the first world? What outstanding Latino working on the "first world"? Of course, Latinos have the same intellectual abilities that any inhabitant of this planet, we can imagine, intuit, propose, develop, and create knowledge as any other, and all that is needed is a social environment that stimulates intellectual development all these skills, an environment that provides every opportunity for any citizen who is interested to engage the academy or art can do, not only has to do with access to quality education, but access to good nutrition from an early age, an ecologically healthy environment, an environment free of violence, repression, and fear. Do we have or rather we are creating the conditions to make thinking people in our Latin countries? or as usual, will we have to continue conforming with notes that highlight as "Hispanic" excel if given all these conditions in the first world?

Latinos as any inhabitant of this planet is named Homo sapiens can create knowledge and practice it whenever it is necessary to its power to do so, as we have now made these two astronauts related Hispanics: is there some day when we no longer news that a native of the "third world" has achievement in science and instead is made reference to his intellectual contribution beyond its origin?

Below we present the note that was published in the Notimex:

Iran two astronauts first Mexican origin in the same trip
Notimex. 26/07/2009
Astronauts John Olivas and Joseph Hernández part of NASA's next mission, which for the first two Hispanics will be together in space and both are of Mexican origin.
is expected to depart in late August near Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, as part of a crew of seven elements in the shuttle Discovery toward the International Space Station (ISS). José Hernández, 47, an electrical engineer, born in French Camp, California whose father is originally from La Piedad, Michoacán, and worked as a farmer in this country, said his trip expected to continue opening the way for other Hispanics.
Speaking to NASA, Hernandez, who will travel as a mission specialist, acknowledged that others such as Franklin Chang-Diaz and Ellen Ochoa was the first man and woman, to open doors for Hispanics NASA. For his part John Danny Olivas, 43, grandson of immigrants who arrived from the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua in the early last century, is a veteran astronaut with 336 hours of space flight. For Olivas will be his second flight on the shuttle Discovery, it was part of the STS-117 mission in 2007.

Commander Rick Sturckow will be the leader of the mission with Kevin Ford as a pilot. The crew are also specialists assigned Patrick Forrester mission, Christer Fuglesang, and Nicole Stott. The primary mission will carry the Leonardo module will serve as a multi-service area and storage of the ERA and to conduct experiments. During the mission, Nicole Stott will remain on the ISS, replacing Timothy Kopra, who returns to Earth after their stay at the space complex. Number 30 will be the mission of a NASA shuttle dedicated to building and maintaining the ISS.

Other Hispanic Puerto Rican astronaut Joseph Acaba, traveled in March to the ISS as part of the STS-119 mission in charge of carrying the last panels solar complex. While Marine Colonel George Zamka, a Colombian, has been appointed to command the STS-130 space shuttle Endeavour, scheduled for 30 December.

Monday, July 13, 2009

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E l 2009 represents the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009 ), and thus is held in several different activities. Mexico has an important astronomical history that dates back to prehispanic times, and now we have various centers and institutes dedicated to astronomical research, such as the Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology, University Guadalajara, the Department of Astronomy, University of Guanajuato, Physics Departameno the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy at the University of Sonora, and the Institute of Astronomy, UNAM, to name a few.
First, we must recognize and remember important Mexican astronomers have contributed to the international astronomical knowledge, like Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, one of the pioneers of Mexican and Latin American physics, which developed a quantitative theory of motion of charged particles electricity in the earth's magnetic field. Manuel Sandoval his teachers during his doctoral studies at Albert Einstein, Max Planck Erwin Schrödinger, and worked at MIT with Georges Lamáitre. Other prominent astronomers are Luis Enrique Erro, founder of the astronomical observatory Tonatzintla, Guillermo Haro, director of the National Observatory Tacubaya, who made important contributions in the field of infrared astronomy, Carlos Graef Fernandez, or sisters and Guillermina González Graciela González also worked at the Observatoire de Tonantzintla, and who allowed that Mexico has an important place in international astronomy. Several, astronomers have had and that we have today, and that despite budget constraints and that working conditions are not the same as in other first world countries have developed and contributed to scientific knowledge.

Manuel Sandoval Vallarta

particular, we highlight some of the links on the Internet dedicated to the dissemination of astronomy in Mexico, among them is a blog of the Institute of Astronomy, UNAM updated information, and different about this branch of science. So when leaving them to hang on the Internet, instead of visiting sites that offer nothing to the intellect, better give it a navigated to the following sites:

astronomical Stela (blog of the Institute of Astronomy of UNAM: http://www.institutodeastronomia.blogspot.com/

educational Astronomy (association dedicated to the dissemination of astronomy among children and youth): http:/ / www.astronomia-educativa.org/indiceastronomia.htm

Julieta Fierro Gossman Astronomical Society : http://www.sajfierro.org/index.htm

UNIVERSUM Science Museum : http : / / www.universum.unam.mx/

English site of IYA 2009: http://www.astronomia2009.org.mx/index.htm

Luis Enrique Erro

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Advanced Design System

Global Warming Will Lead to Extinction Coral Reef

On several occasions we have published in this space briefing notes regarding the consequences of climate change at the environmental, social and economic and is appropriate to address the negative consequences that have increased CO2 on coral reefs. Coral reefs are marine ecosystems associated with a great diversity of species that depend for their stay very particular conditions of salinity, temperature and ocean depth. There is evidence that small variations in conditions, eg acidity decreases the absorption of calcium carbonate, which directly affects the growth of coral.

global warming is changing the physical conditions of the oceans, and one of the most vulnerable ecosystems, is undoubtedly the coral reefs. Experts in the field, they call upon the international community to inform and raise awareness of the need to curb the amount of C02 is emitted into the atmosphere, thereby preventing the extinction of one of the most imporant marine ecosystems. The predictions are that if CO2 emissions continue to increase at current rates, the reefs will be extinct by the end of this century!

Below you will read the note referring to this item:

scientists foresee death of coral reefs around the world to
century Note: Reuters, 07/07/2009

Oceans increasingly acidic and warm due to carbon dioxide emissions could kill coral reefs worldwide by the end of the century, several scientists warned. Experts said at a meeting in London that the emission rate is projected that by 2050 it will have achieved a level of 450 parts per million of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, which would to corals in the way of extinction for decades.

More than a dozen specialists in coral reefs and climate change gathered on behalf of several universities, government research agencies and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "The kitchen is on fire and the fire is spreading through the house," he said in a statement Alex Rogers of the Zoological Society of London and the International Programme on the Ocean State. "If we act quickly and decisively we may be able to turn it off before the damage becomes irreversible." afirmó.El ocean absorbs large amounts of CO2 emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. But scientists say the oceans are becoming more acidic as they absorb carbon, which disrupts the process of calcification by which sea creatures build shells and coral reefs. Researchers around the world have been urging governments to take into account the threats to the ocean in the new treaty on combating climate change, which plans approved in December in Copenhagen.

coral reefs are delicate undersea structures resembling rocky gardens built by tiny animals called polyps, and act as important refuges and nursery areas for fish and other marine species. They also protect shorelines, provide a crucial source of food for millions of people, attract tourists and are a potential storehouse of medicines for cancer and other diseases.

"If you allow the CO2 reaches 450 parts per million, and now the target is more optimistic than might be acceptable in Copenhagen, we will put the world's coral reefs on the way to a great degradation and ultimately extinction, "he told the conference John Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science" A catastrophe such as a large threat to the future welfare of humanity, "he said. Would be an acceptable target Governments agreed to a ceiling of 320 parts per million of carbon dioxide, according to scientists, who felt that 360 would mark the limit of survival of the reefs.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hvilken Sete Subwoofer Er Best

end of the century the Vatican recognizes the value of scientific knowledge

L a relationship between science and religion has always been the subject of much discussion throughout history and in most cases no a point of agreement among those who are for one or another position. For example, to quote the debate between evolutionists (Darwin) and creationists, which almost always ends up going nowhere. However, at present the position of the Catholic Church to science is more open and flexible, having important occasions gerarcas Catholics recognize the value of scientific theories. Recently, Bishop Sergio Pagano, an official in the Vatican publicly acknowledged the risk of religious bias at the major advances in science, and the importance of the parishioners have the discretion to accept the findings in scientific research. Without doubt, the public statements of Bishop Sergio Pagano, is a sign that religion should have the flexibility to not always be subject to immutable dogmas, as when it was believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that old and fruitless discussions between science and religion should be a thing of the past.

Below you will find the full story:

The Vatican must not make the same mistake with Galileo: prelate
Reuters Posted: 02/07/2009 14:03

Church Catholic should not fear scientific progress and possibly make the same mistake when it condemned the astronomer Galileo Galilei in the seventeenth century, said Thursday a senior official of the Vatican in a rare example of self-criticism. Galileo, who lived between 1564 and 1642, was condemned by the Inquisition in 1633 to ensure that the Earth revolved around the sun completely wiped Vatican reputation known as the father of astronomy, until 1992, nearly 360 years after his death.
In a press conference which presented a new volume of documents in the case of Galileo, Monsignor Sergio Pagano, director of the Vatican Secret Archives, said today's Church and Vatican officials can learn of past mistakes and eliminate their lack of confidence in science. "Can this teach us today?" I think it certainly does, "he said in a rare show of self-criticism in the Vatican. "We should be careful when we read the Scriptures and we to deal with scientific issues, not make the same mistake now and then, "he said. "I'm thinking about stem cells, I think of eugenics, I'm thinking of scientific research in these fields. Sometimes I have the impression that they are condemned with the same preconceived ideas that we used the Copernican theory," he added.

The Inquisition, which persecuted the heretics, condemned Galileo for supporting Copernicus astronomer's theory because it clashed with what the Bible said that the earth was fixed. Pagano said that it was necessary for the leaders of today's Church and Vatican officials "Study more, be more prudent to evaluate things," when dealing with advances científicos.El prelate said that while scientists do not assume you can teach the Church about faith, the Church should not fear to address scientific issues " humility and discretion. "

The Catholic Church, along with other religious groups and pro-life advocates oppose embryonic stem cell research, which scientists hope will lead to finding cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's - because it involves destroying embryos.
But the Church supports adult stem cell research, which has made progress in recent years. The relationship between religion and science has been tense and prickly for centuries. For example, Christian churches were long hostile to the theory of Charles Darwin evolution because it conflicted with the biblical account that God created the world in six days.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Low Risk Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change

Much has been made of the consequences of climate change on the world's most biodiverse ecosystems like the Amazon rain forest, coral reefs, the cloud forests , among others. But rarely is mentioned, in addition to living in these regions mostly indigenous peoples or marginally poor economy that rely heavily on use of resources in these areas. From this perspective, climate change poses a serious threat to the socially vulnerable communities, which as usual, are receiving less government support and attention.

This problem is the central theme that addresses one of the articles that was published today by BBC World. It in may find more extensive and specific examples on the impact of climate change on stability indigenous social .

The Earth Has Fever
Note: Alejandra Martins, BBC World, 07/01/2009

Gonzalo Oviedo is an advisor on social policy International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN for its acronym in English, and coauthor of a report by the organization on the impact of climate change on indigenous peoples. According to the expert, some of the areas most at risk of global warming in Latin America are both areas high human vulnerability, because they live in communities often pushed into marginal areas in poverty, with very little attention from the public sector.

These communities are not only victims of climate change, are also demanding a greater role in designing adaptation strategies. 80% of the world's forests are in areas inhabited by indigenous peoples, according to the United Nations Program for the Environment, and any mechanism for responding to climate change will affect them directly.

From the Andes to Central
For America, "has proven that mountains are very sensitive to climate change. The decline in rainfall leads to a decrease of glaciers and, for example, Peru, in the high mountains has shown a significant decrease in the amount of ice melts into water, giving rise to the rivers, "said Oviedo.

same as the author of the report of the IUCN, has been in "the case of Bolivia in the highlands where the river Lauca what is causing a drought in areas where indigenous peoples live. "something similar is observed in Ecuador, where the volcano Cotopaxi snow melt feeds the sources of water discharged into the valleys, giving rise to rivers with flows now are "dwindling".

In the dry zone of the southern Andes (Bolivia, Peru and northern Chile) "there are communities that are suffering severely from drought, as the Urus, where until now has not done anything, "said Oviedo. In Central America, the problem lies elsewhere: Exposure to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, which originate in the Caribbean. "Particularly the Atlantic coast of Central America is concerned, and that's where he lives, for example, the Miskito people. And in the mountainous area greatly affected by these weather events is also home to indigenous peoples, which in many cases work ecologically fragile lands , on small plots of low fertility. "

Indigenous peoples have traditionally used methods of adaptation to climate variations. In Latin America have very little research traditional coping responses to climate variability, according to Oviedo.

"Indigenous communities in the Andes for centuries have practiced a system of selective use of ecological, moving up or down the mountain, growing for example, most varieties of potato resistant to dry weather and cold in the top and using other crops in the lowlands. " According to Oviedo is an excellent adaptation to climate variability, but it would not be enough if the whole mountain is affected by a severe reduction in the amount of water. In many cases, moreover, communities have lost access rights to land around that range.

have also been traditionally constructed small dams for water harvesting, but local mechanisms would be insufficient to meet the extensive changes that are predicted with global warming. "The problem now is that climate changes at the level of water availability are as dramatic as those systems alone will not work."

traditions and modern techniques
The answer may lie in combining prácticas tradicionales con otras técnicas de eficacia probada, y un ejemplo de que esto es posible es el llamado quesungual, un método de agroforestación desarrollado en Honduras.

El sistema incorpora prácticas tradicionales de las comunidades indígenas lencas, como el cultivo entre árboles que sujetan la tierra, evitando deslizamientos, y elementos más modernos desarrollados en conjunto con técnicos de la FAO, como la no quema de vegetación y la diversificación de cultivos.

Podrían también Latin America adapt to sophisticated techniques of water harvesting, such as the "aflaj" used in arid lands of the Middle East, for example. Highly developed systems of collecting water in Incan times have been lost, says Oviedo, and the current system of using earth wall dams open is doubly problematic: water is lost by seepage and evaporation. In the technique "aflaj" which means sharing the water that falls on top of mountains runs through rock tunnels and stored in underground reservoirs, where it is shared according to strict rules, explains Oviedo.

"Maize homogenized" What message
indigenous peoples want to take the climate change conference to be held in Copenhagen in December? The impact of global warming on indigenous peoples was the focus of a summit this year in Alaska, attended by Latin American representatives.

"Indigenous peoples in Alaska were not to blame anyone, but to heal the Earth. She has a fever because we have sacked their blood, oil, and we have the air as greenhouse gases. But this can cure fever, Felipe says Íñigez, coordinator of Agroecological Movement of Latin America and the Caribbean, MAELA. Iñigez, community Wirrarika (Huichol) or "walking" the state of Jalisco in Mexico, noted that indigenous peoples in their country are suffering particularly from GM crops and the rental of land for large enterprises to chemical agriculture monocultures as biofuels.

"We have a great loss of biodiversity, more than half of all imports of U.S. food comes from our people for thousands of years has lived in the cornfield, an association of crops with the least five different colors of corn to represent the views of the Earth, the food that God has given us. "Dependence on homogenized corn, instead of selected seeds by farmers, makes farmers more vulnerable, and is why the issue should be raised in international forums, says Iñigez. "The original people are not a problem, we are much of the way it has solved problems for thousands of years with great collection of wisdom."
" sacred tree "
One issue that indigenous peoples must take to international forums is the risk of mega development and regional integration BBC warned Egberto Tabo, representing the COICA, Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin, based in Ecuador. The Amazon basin, where more than 400 peoples with different customs and knowledge, is threatened, according Tabo, road projects such as the Manta Manaos, one-way road, he says, has caused deforestation in the Amazon.

Amazonian peoples can also bring their spirituality and through it in a deeper way to feel and react to what is happening in nature. "Every living thing is something for us has something to contribute. A tree is a being that guides us, a very sacred, as well as for white people the Church is a sacred place. "
" moral obligation "Countries" should collect information on traditional forms of adaptation could.

"In our country where we know that there are vulnerable communities, indigenous or not, must make an analysis of the vulnerability of these communities living in poverty also in terms of health. And people undernourished is in good condition to face a disaster situation. " For the expert is essential to work with communities to reduce their vulnerability, as the impacts of climate change "will be growing and the worst is yet to come, be prepared."

According to Oviedo, "all countries have a moral obligation to develop national adaptation plans to climate change is urgent that we all do." And in the design of such plans or agreements on climate change, it appears that indigenous peoples, as victims or finding solutions should not be ignored.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Red Pin British Suits

Who and many pollutants are emitted annually in North America?

The Commission Cooperation of North America announced through its website ( http://www.cec.org/ ), the report of pollutants released and transferred by the industries in North America including Mexico, Canada and the United States. The report "Taking Stock" refers to emissions from 2005 and represents the most comprehensive systematic information held for the three countries.

Of the major findings known in 2005 were recorded for the three countries emissions by more than 5.500 million kg pollutants generated by approximately 35,000 industries. Of the three countries, the United States contributed about 80%, 12% Canada and Mexico with 6%. However, it must be emphasized that the regulations vary by country which limited the amount of data available for each industrial sector, and the homogenization of the data.

Another interesting fact is the amount and type of pollutants being emitted across borders, with the metals for recycling, sulfuric acid, phosphorus, toluene and xylene different types. Substances known as carcinogens. In addition, this report lays the foundations for better management and control of pollutants, and described the major environmental trends and conditions in the coming years, the key challenges in terms of pollutants, as well as the main mechanisms for achieve the efficiency of international cooperation in these matters.

An especially important tool, and can be accessed by anyone is the availability of a map that lets you put about 35,000 industrial plants in North America. These plants correspond to those reported releases and transfers of pollutants in 2005. Through this map can be seen by google earth, anyone interested can find industrial plants located near your home, work or school for the type of pollution generated by each establishment, including the manner in which handled. This possibility had not for some few years represents a valuable tool that allows ordinary citizens to be informed about environmental quality in their community, information that can be used on their behalf for better regulation and control of pollution.

is why we invite you to take an interest in being informed about these issues around the environment, much of the improvement in quality of life we \u200b\u200bcan and we are entitled to access depends on how informed we authorities to require more attention to this looming problem.

All information relating to the report "Taking Stock 2005" of the CEC can be accessed via the following Internet links:

Link to the report "Taking Stock 2005" http://www.cec.org/takingstock/Default.aspx
Link to a map of location of industries in North America: http://www.cec.org/takingstock/MappingTool. aspx

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Women Showing Boobs Wearing Saree

The production of tequila in Mexico, polluting and socially unjust

The tequila, of course, is the most popular Mexican alcoholic beverage worldwide, and is very likely that almost all tourists who come to Mexico not go without test and even purchase your typical bottle of tequila. However, tequila production in Mexico is far closer to the image "idealized traditional manufacturing process by rural workers in the agave fields. The tequila industry in Mexico by large companies, generates wastes and sewage are treated and exploited. The production of tequilla, was the subject of doctoral research lpart worthy of recognition by the Mexican Academy of Sciences, as one of the best thesis in social sciences and humanities in 2009. The author, Jose de Jesus Hernandez, addressed from a social and ecological production process tequila in Mexico. Below you can read the note that was published about it and detail the main results of this thesis .

Source: Mexican Academy of Sciences AMC/063/09 Bulletin, May 27, 2009
For every liter of tequila produced in Mexico will generate 10 liters of untreated sewage

So says in his doctoral thesis José de Jesús Hernández López awarded by the Mexican Academy of Sciences as one of the best Social Sciences in 2008 . The author raises the disappearance of intermediaries for small producers to obtain greater economic benefit . Also proposed to establish two denominations of origin rather only one, which would revalue the productive forms
artisanal tequila

For every liter of tequila produced in Mexico are contaminated ten liters of water. In 2008, there were 300 million liters in the country, which represents a serious ecological problem, since there is no country in the tequila industry to treat wastewater generated, said José de Jesús Hernández López, a professor and researcher at The Colegio de Michoacán.

In his thesis "The agave landscape: expansion and beautification. Cultural ecology policy and new forms of value creation ", which won one of Awards of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) to the best doctoral thesis in Social Sciences and Humanities 2008, anthropologist suggests that manufacturers look at the wastewater treatment by-product that can be harnessed to generate electricity or biogas, as well the possibility of recovering much of the water that evaporates during the process.

Hernández López said in an interview that while tequila factories in the hands of transnational companies, raw material production is monopolized by a few regional brokers, known as "coyotes" who take advantage of that small producers are not registered to the Treasury, or the Tequila Regulatory Council, and benefit from the negotiations between the company and the producer.

"We need to disappear intermediaries to small farmers are those who have direct contact with industry and gain a greater economic benefit," said the anthropologist.

Another phenomenon detailed in his thesis, which was also awarded by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), is that with the intensification of the production of agave, the families of the area of \u200b\u200bArandas, Jalisco, traditionally performed the work, were displaced day laborers in the southeast.

View company generated field as a dislocation of traditional farmers who became independently wealthy and the land that previously had no value it had and the traditional ways of cultivating agave depreciated lamented the specialist.

Paradoxically, he added, despite the boom and the modernization of the tequila industry, workers are in a precarious situation because the companies are hired on a temporary basis for low wages do not create old and therefore not have benefits or social security.

response, Joseph Jesus Hernandez stressed the need not to one but, at least two denominations of origin, one for the area of \u200b\u200bthe Valley of Tequila and one for the Los Altos de Jalisco, which would assess and reassess the productive forms artisanal tequila, so that the locals have more presence and participation of the economic flow of product manufactured. Sell \u200b\u200b


In an area so little studied as cultural ecology of agave, José de Jesús Hernández López revealed that multinational companies not only sell tequila, but have created a symbol of Mexican identity.

"wrapped a cosmetic image, attractive and marketable to the view of people, set up scenarios where presented to jimador handsome, well dressed, cutting the leaves of the agave, but withheld the actual conditions in which they are producing agave, "he said.

This is a new way of creating value, he said, where what is for sale are illusions. The tourist travels agave plantations, notes the tequila production process and pay in exchange for proximity to the "national culture", which is making a business from scratch. This image is of a cosmetic industry attached the history and culture, but highly polluting.

José de Jesús Hernández López, 36 years old, has two degrees in Philosophy and Law, considered a master, doctorate and post-doctorates, three degrees in Social Anthropology. He said that receiving the award from the Mexican Academy of Sciences is a major commitment to further research and present the results of their work to public scrutiny. "I am interested to be some social improvement, not only do research by doing research, but have social benefits," he concluded.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cruise Ship Labelled Drawing

The investigation against the cure and prevention of cancer is one of the most important in human medicine, and although progress has been made in prevention, even today is one of the most common ailments due to the biological complexity of the disease.

Recently, new research indicates that a gene on the extra chromosome number 21, present in Down syndrome have a positive effect in preventing the growth of malignant tumors. This new trend, explains why people with Down syndrome less frequently suffer various types of cancer. No doubt these new findings will help find new treatments for cancer.

Down podrám read the full article:

Down Syndrome, "key cancer?, BBC News 21/05/2009 Note

Hospital researchers Boston Children in the United States, found that the additional gene or genes containing the duplication of chromosome 21 prevents the growth of cancerous tumors sólidos.El gene appears to interfere with the signals that the tumor should be to grow.

"This study gives us valuable information for the search for new therapies based on inhibiting the growth of cancerous tumors," he told the BBC Dr Sandra Ryeom, who led the study. "And it gives us a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe path are the cells involved in this process of growth." It's basically a new area that we can explore for development of new drugs, "says the researcher.

Humans normally have two copies of the 23 chromosomes that contain all our genetic information. A copy of each of our parents. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, ie three copies instead of two. It has been long known that some individuals with Down syndrome appear to have less risk of certain cancers than people who does not suffer from this disorder. But so far no known reason.

Boston scientists found in the study with mice that have an extra copy of one of the genes on chromosome 21-called Dscr1, is sufficient to reduce tumor growth. This gene appears to act in tandem with another gene, which is also located on chromosome 21 - to interfere with the signals that the tumor should be to stimulate the growth of their own blood vessels.

This growth of blood vessels is called angiogenesis. And if the vessels do not supply the tumor with its own blood supply, can not grow and prosper. "We were interested to study this gene Dscr1 because we knew who was involved in preventing vessel growth blood and nourish the tumor cells to make them large and lethal tumors, says Dr. Ryeom.

In theory, the researchers knew that if bloqueban blood vessels feeding the tumor was impossible growth of cancerous tumors. Therefore microscopic tumors and basically would be safe.

"Our hypothesis was that the third copy of chromosome 21 could prevent angiogenesis and this was the reason people with Down syndrome had a broad protection against cancer. " "are protected against all forms of solid tumors, including breast cancer, brain tumors, liver, pancreas and lung. " This sugiería that the reason they were protected had to be related to some aspect critical illness.

"And so we conclude that protection was in the growth of tumor blood vessels," says the scientist. After research with mice, scientists tried to confirm the results with human cells. To this Dr. Ryeom and his team created stem cells from skin cells of a patient with Down syndrome.

When scientists inserted these cells to induce tumors in mice, found that the extra copy of chromosome 21 were never able to form tumors altogether. "This part of the study helped us to confirm that the suppression of angiogenesis seen in the mouse model also applies in humans," says Sandra Ryeom. "And it reveals that these genes could be a powerful tool to a viable therapy for cancer." It is certainly very encouraging that people with Down syndrome give us a new focus on the mechanisms that regulate cancer growth, "says Dr. Ryeom." And with this we can identif ICAR bla potential NCOs prevention and treatment of tumors, "adds the scientist.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Correct Dose Of Metformin In A Day For Pcos

New descubriemientos on the origin of terrestrial life

One of the fields of chemistry and biology that has captured the most attention in recent decades is the origin of life on Earth. Today there are various theories that explain the formation of the first biological compounds and as they then were held to give way to the first cell. Although the famous experiment of synthesis of biomolecules from Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in 1953 partially confirmed the theory of Oparin, today, still lacking sufficient information to explain how these molecules (RNA, DNA, proteins, sugars), the precursors to life gave way to the first body. In this context, British scientists have recently found new evidence on the possible formation of RNA on the primitive earth. Below you can read the note that talks in this regard:

Found in RNA new clues about the origin of life on Earth
AFP, Paris, http://www.elmundo.es

Science continues in its attempt to respond the mysteries of the origins of life on Earth. This time, a group of chemicals believed to have found new clues about the emergence of the first molecules as stores genetic information. Their findings are published in the British journal Nature .

In mammals, fish or bacteria, genetic information is stored in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). For its part, the RNA (ribonucleic acid) plays an active role in translating this information and allow synthesis of active molecules in the body .

However, sometimes one's own genetic information is stored in the form of RNA. This is the case of the virus. RNA being more robust than DNA, scientists have formulated the hypothesis that "RNA world" preceded the current, which dominates DNA life forms. Like its cousin DNA, RNA combines three types of molecules: a sugar, a phosphate and a base that conveys genetic information.

The most widespread among the scientific community states that these three types of molecules due to appear separately on Earth promigenia . But what the chemists have come to understand is how these molecules could associate together to form RNA.

Through chemical synthesis laboratory, John Sutherland, University of Manchester (UK) and colleagues have found a possible clue as to how RNA could occur without the help of enzymes Thanks to the UV and phosphate. The researchers used molecules present on early Earth and causing chemical reactions in models of geological environments such as those that existed in ancient times.

In the same journal, a second study highlights how the RNA, a traditional source of interest to explain the origin of life, is sought by scientists in the deep ocean . The team of Edward DeLong, MIT (USA), has described as different and "small" RNA directly from the plankton.